Sreepat Jain
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  • Sreepat Jain 
  • języki: 2 
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  • Wyczyść
Dr. Sreepat Jain is a Professor at the Department of Applied Geology, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia. With over two decades of teaching and research experience, Prof. Jain holds two doctorates, one from India and the other from the United States. Prof. Jain has been awarded the “TA Excellence in Teaching” for meritorious teaching in the United States and has also received the prestigious “Prof. S. K. Singh Memorial Gold Medal” for best research paper from the Palaeontological Society of India (India). He has published several research articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals and has authored three books, two of which, Fundamental of Physical Geology (Springer) and Fundamental of Invertebrate Palaeontology: Macrofossils (Springer)  are recommended for undergraduate Earth Science courses at several American universities. Both these Springer books have also received excellent international reviews. Prof. Jain also serves a reviewer for several international geoscience journals.