International Primary Science Progress Book Student's Book 1 -  - książka

International Primary Science Progress Book Student's Book 1 książka papierowa


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Spark scientific curiosity from a young age with this six-level course through an enquiry-based approach and active learning. Collins International Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Primary Science Curriculum Framework from 2020 and has been carefully developed for a range of international contexts.

Collins International Primary Science is organised into four main strands: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Space and the skills detailed under the ‘ Thinking and Working Scientifically’ strand are introduced and taught in the context of those areas.

Each Progress Book page offers assessment questions which allow learners to apply what they have learned and each unit offers an opportunity for personal reflection on progress.

Liczba stron: 86

Rok wydania: 2023

Format (wymiary): 21.0x30.0cm

ISBN: 9780008654856

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