Russian aggression and European security -  - książka

Russian aggression and European security książka papierowa


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  • Wydawca: Difin
  • Język: polski

The monograph presents the results of research outstanding security experts and scientists representing a diverse range of academic centers. They are devoted to the experiences and conclusions resulting from the Russian-Ukrainian war. The main contents of the monograph focus around the strategic and operational aspects of the conflict and its consequences for international security.

The monograph is addressed to theoreticians and practitioners dealing with the issues of the international security environment. It can also be of interest to persons concerned with the strategic influence of the Russian Federation, threats and their consequences for global, regional and local security. It can be a source of knowledge for entities responsible for creating international security.

Liczba stron: 232

Rok wydania: 2024

Format (wymiary): 16.0x23.0cm

ISBN: 9788382703375

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