Scattered Showers - Rowell Rainbow - książka

Scattered Showers książka papierowa

Rainbow Rowell


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Rainbow Rowell has won fans all over the world by writing about love and life in a way that feels true. In her first short story collection Scattered Showers, she gives us nine irresistible love stories. Illustrated throughout by Jim Tierney.

Girl meets boy camping outside a movie theatre. Best friends debate the merits of high school dances. A prince romances a troll. A girl romances an imaginary boy. And Simon Snow himself returns for a holiday adventure.

It’s a feast of irresistible characters, hilarious dialogue, and masterful storytelling, in short, everything you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell book.

Liczba stron: 290

Format (wymiary): 13.0x19.0cm

ISBN: 9781035003839

Wydanie: 2

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