Speakout 2nd Edition Starter Flexi Student's Book + DVD - Eales Frances, Oakes Steve - książka

Speakout 2nd Edition Starter Flexi Student's Book + DVD książka papierowa

Eales Frances, Oakes Steve


Dostawa: od 6,99 zł (darmowa dostawa z abonamentem Legimi)

Czas wysyłki: 1-2 dni robocze + czas dostawy

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Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.
It follows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.

New design: We've improved the overall design of the components and pages, refreshed the photos and illustrations, and selected dramatic images to introduce each new unit. Great images motivate learners, and provide excellent prompts for language activities.

Reading & listening texts: We've broadened the range of texts to reflect the types of texts learners read outside the classroom. Listening texts are also more authentic and we've included a wider variety of international accents.

BBC video clips: The BBC video clips in each unit are unique to Speakout. We've retained the most popular clips and included some wonderful new material from the BBC to engage and motivate learners.

Pronunciation sections: We've developed a stronger pronunciation syllabus with a wider range of pronunciation features.

Liczba stron: 160

Rok wydania: 2021

Format (wymiary): 21.0x29.0cm

ISBN: 9781292115993

Wydanie: 6

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