The Ranch at the Wolverine - B.M. Bower - ebook

The Ranch at the Wolverine ebook

B.M. Bower

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„The Ranch at the Wolverine” follows an intrepid group of settlers who made a home in the land now known as Idaho. Billy Louise has given up her childhood play and her schooling in order to run the ranch near the Wolverine River after her father dies in an accident. One winter she takes Ward, a young cowboy with mysterious past, to her ranch to work as hired man. After Ward shares his secret with Billy, strange events start to occur. Adventure, danger and a beautifully detailed description of life in the Old West fill out the story, which, as with most B.M. Bower novels, has a sad/happy ending. From one of America’s most loved novelists in the western genre this is a classic and a great addition to the collection.

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FOUR trail-worn oxen, their necks bowed to the yoke of patient servitude, should really begin this story. But to follow the trail they made would take several chapters which you certainly would skip–unless you like to hear the tale of how the wilderness was tamed and can thrill at the stern history of those who did the taming while they fought to keep their stomachs fairly well filled with food and their hard-muscled bodies fit for the fray.

There was a woman, low-browed, uncombed, harsh of voice and speech and nature, who drove the four oxen forward over lava rock and rough prairie and the scanty sage. I might tell you a great deal about Marthy, who plodded stolidly across the desert and the low-lying hills along the Blackfoot; and of her weak-souled, shiftless husband whom she called Jase, when she did not call him worse.

They were the pioneers whose lurching wagon first forded the singing Wolverine stream just where it greens the tiny valley and then slips between huge lava-rock ledges to join the larger stream. Jase would have stopped there and called home the sheltered little green spot in the gray barrenness. But Marthy went on, up the farther hill and across the upland, another full day’s journey with the sweating oxen.

They camped that night on another little, singing stream, in another little valley, which was not so level or so green or so wholly pleasing to the eye. And that night two of the oxen, impelled by a surer instinct than their human owners, strayed away down a narrow, winding gorge and so discovered the Cove and feasted upon its rich grasses. It was Marthy who went after them and who recognized the little, hidden Eden as the place of her dreams–supposing she ever had dreams. So Marthy and Jase and the four oxen took possession, and with much labor and many hard years for the woman, and with the same number of years and as little labor as he could manage on the man’s part, they tamed the Cove and made it a beauty spot in that wild land. A beauty spot, though their lives held nothing but treadmill toil and harsh words and a mental horizon narrowed almost to the limits of the grim, gray, rock wall that surrounded them.

Another sturdy-souled couple came afterwards and saw the Wolverine and made for themselves a home upon its banks. And in the rough little log cabin was born the girl-child I want you to meet; a girl-child when she should have been a boy to meet her father’s need and great desire; a girl-child whose very name was a compromise between the parents. For they called her Billy for sake of the boy her father wanted, and Louise for the girl her mother had longed for to lighten that terrible loneliness which the far frontier brings to the women who brave its stern emptiness.

Do you like children? In other words, are you human? Then I want you to meet Billy Louise when she was ten and had lived all her life among the rocks and the sage and the stunted cedars and huge, gray hills of Idaho. Meet her with her pink sunbonnet hanging down the back of her neck and her big eyes taking in the squalidness of Marthy’s crude kitchen in the Cove, and her terrible directness of speech hitting squarely the things she saw that were different from her own immaculate home. Of course, if you don’t care for children, you may skip a chapter and meet her later when she was eighteen–but I really wish you would consent to know her at ten.

“Mommie makes cookies with a raising in the middle. She gives me two sometimes when the Bill of me has been workin’ like the deuce with dad; one for Billy and one for Louise. When I’m twelve, Mommie’s goin’ to let the Louise of me make cookies all myself and put a raising on top. I’ll put two on top of one and bring it over for you, Marthy. And–“ Billy Louise was terribly outspoken at times–“I’ll put four raisings on another one for Jase, ‘cause he don’t have any nice times with you. Don’t you ever make cookies with raisings on ‘em, Marthy? I’m hungry as a coyote–and I ain’t used to eating just bread and the kinda butter you have. Mom says you don’t work it enough. She says you are too scared of water, and the buttermilk ain’t all worked out, so that’s why it tastes so funny. Does Jase like that kind of butter, Marthy?”

“If your mother had to do the outside work as well as the inside, mebbe she wouldn’t work her butter so awful much, either. I dunno whether Jase likes it or not. He eats it,” Marthy stated grimly.

Billy Louise sighed. “Well, of course he’s awful lazy. Daddy says so. I guess I won’t put but one raising on Jase’s cookie when I’m twelve. Has Jase gone fishing again, Marthy?”

A gleam of satisfaction brightened Marthy’s hard, blue eyes. “No, he ain’t. He’s in the root suller. You want some bread and some nice, new honey, Billy Louise? I jest took it outa the hive this morning. When you go home, I’ll send some to your maw if you can carry it.”

“Sure! I can carry anything that’s good. If you put it on thick, so I can’t taste the bread, I’ll eat it. Say, you like me, don’t you, Marthy?”

“Yes,” said Marthy, turning her back on the slim, wide-eyed girl, “I like yuh, Billy Louise.”

“You sound like you wish you didn’t,” Billy Louise remarked. Even at ten Billy Louise was keenly sensitive to tones and glances and that intangible thing we call atmosphere. “Are you sorry you like me?”

“No-o, I ain’t sorry. A person’s got to like something that’s alive and human, or–” Marthy was clumsy with words, and she was always coming to the barrier between her powers of expression and the thoughts that were prisoned and dumb. “Here’s your bread ‘n’ honey.”

“What makes you sound that way, Marthy? You sound like you had tears inside, and they couldn’t get out your eyes. Are you sad? Did you ever have a little girl, Marthy?”

“What makes you ask that?” Marthy sat heavily down upon a box beside the rough kitchen table and looked at Billy Louise queerly, as if she were half afraid of her.

“I dunno–but that’s the way mommie sounds when she says something about angel-brother. Did you ever–”

“Billy Louise, I’m going to tell you this oncet, and then I don’t want you to ast me any more questions, nor talk about it. You’re the queerest young one I ever seen, but you don’t hurt folks on purpose–I’ve learnt that much about yuh.” Marthy half rose from the box, and with her dingy, patched apron shooed an investigative hen out of the doorway. She knew that Billy Louise was regarding her fixedly over the huge, uneven slice of bread and honey, and she felt vaguely that a child’s grave, inquiring eyes may be the hardest of all eyes to meet.

“I never meant–”

“I know yuh never, Billy Louise. Now don’t tell your maw this. Long ago–long before your maw ever found you, or your paw ever found your ranch on the Wolverine, I had a little girl, ‘bout like you. She was a purty child–her hair was like silk, and her eyes was blue, and–we was Mormons, and we lived down clost to Salt Lake. And I seen so much misery amongst the women-folks–you can’t understand that, but mebby you will when you grow up. Anyway, when little Minervy kep’ growin’ purtyer and sweeter, I couldn’t stand it to think of her growin’ up and bein’ a Mormon’s wife. I seen so many purty girls... So I made up my mind we’d move away off somewheres, where Minervy could grow up jest as sweet and purty as she was a mind to, and not have to suffer fer her sweetness and her purtyness. When you grow up, Billy Louise, you’ll know what I mean. So me and Jase packed up–we kinda had to do it on the sly, on account uh the bishops–and we struck out with a four-ox team.

“We kep’ a-goin’ and kep’ a-goin’, fer I was scared to settle too clost. I seen how they keep spreadin’ out all the time, and I wanted to git so fur away they wouldn’t ketch up. And we got into bad country, where there wasn’t no water skurcely. We swung too fur north, and got into the desert back there. And over next them three buttes little Minervy took sick. We tried to git outa the desert–we headed over this way. But before we got to Snake river she–died, and I had to leave ‘er buried back there. We come on. I hated the church worse than ever, and I wanted to git clear away from ‘em. Why, Billy Louise, we camped one night by the Wolverine, right about where your paw’s got his big corral! We didn’t stay there, because it was an Injun camping-ground then, and they wasn’t no use getting mixed up in no fuss, first thing. In them days the Injuns wasn’t so peaceable as they be now. So we come on here and settled in the Cove.

“And so–I like yuh,” said Marthy, in a tone that was half defiance, “because I can’t help likin’ yuh. You’re growin’ up sweet and purty, jest like I wanted my little Minervy to grow up. In some ways you remind me of her, only she was quieter and didn’t take so much notice of things a young one ain’t s’posed to notice. Now I don’t want you askin’ no more questions about her, ‘cause I ain’t going to talk about it ag’in; and if yuh pester me, I’ll send yuh home and tell your maw to keep yuh there. If you’re the nice girl I think yuh be, you’ll be good to Marthy and not talk about–”

Billy Louise opened her eyes still wider, and licked the honey off one whole corner of the slice without really tasting anything. Marthy’s square, uncompromising chin was actually quivering. Billy Louise was stricken dumb by the spectacle. She wanted to go and put her arms around Marthy’s neck and kiss her; only Marthy’s neck had a hairy mole, and there was no part of her face which looked in the least degree kissable. Still, Billy Louise felt herself all hot inside with remorse and sympathy and affection. Physical contact being impossible because of her fastidious instincts, and speech upon the subject being so sternly forbidden, Billy Louise continued to lick honey and stare in fascinated silence.

“I’ll wash the dishes for you, Marthy,” she offered irrelevantly at last, as a supreme sacrifice upon the altar of sympathy. When that failed to stop the slow procession of tears that was traveling down the furrows of Marthy’s cheeks, she added ingratiatingly: “I’ll put six raisings on the cookie I’m going to make for you.”

Whereupon Marthy did an unprecedented, an utterly amazing thing. She got up and gathered Billy Louise into her arms so unexpectedly that Billy Louise inadvertently buried her nose in the honey she had not yet licked off the bread. Marthy held her close pressed to her big, flabby bosom and wept into her hair in a queer, whimpering way that somehow made Billy Louise think of a hurt dog. It was only for a minute that Marthy did this; she stopped almost as suddenly as she began and went outside, wiping her eyes and her nose impartially upon her dirty apron.

Billy Louise sat paralyzed with the mixture of unusual emotions that assailed her. She was exceedingly sticky and uncomfortable from honey and tears, and she shivered with repugnance at the odor of Marthy’s unbathed person. She was astonished at the outburst from phlegmatic Marthy Meilke, and her pity was now alloyed with her promise to wash all those dirty dishes. Billy Louise felt that she had been a trifle hasty in making promises. There was not a drop of water in the house nor a bit of wood, and Billy Louise knew perfectly well that the dishpan would have a greasy, unpleasant feeling under her fastidious little fingers.

She sighed heavily. “Well, I s’pose I might just as well get to work at ‘em,” she said aloud, as was her habit–being a child who had no playmates. “I hate to dread a thing I hate.”

She looked at the messy slice of sour bread and threw it out to the speckled hen that had returned and was standing with one foot lifted tentatively–ready for a forward step if the fates seemed kind–and was regarding Billy Louise fixedly with one yellow eye. “Take it and go!” cried the donor, impatient of the scrutiny. She picked up the wooden pail and went down to the creek behind the house, by a pathway bordered thickly with budding rosebushes and tall lilacs.

Billy Louise first of all washed her face slowly and with a methodic thoroughness which characterized her–having lived for ten full years with no realization of hours and minutes as a measure for her actions. She dried her face quite as deliberately upon her starched calico apron. Then she spent a few minutes trying to catch a baby trout in her cupped palms. Never had Billy Louise succeeded in catching a baby trout in her hands; therefore she never tired of trying. Now, however, that rash promise nagged at her and would not let her enjoy the game as completely as usual. She took the wooden pail, and squatting on her heels in the wet sand, waited until a small school swam incautiously close to the bank, and scooped suddenly, with a great splash. She caught three tiny, speckled fish the length of her little finger, and she let the half-full pail rest in the shallow stream while she watched the fry swimming excitedly round and round within.

There was no great fun in that. Billy Louise could catch baby trout in a pail at home, from the waters of the Wolverine, whenever she liked. Many a time she had kept them in a big bottle until she tired of watching them, or they died because she forgot to change the water often enough. She could not get even a languid enjoyment out of them now, because she could not for a minute forget that she had promised to wash Marthy’s dishes–and Marthy always had so many dirty dishes! And Marthy’s dishpan was so greasy! Billy Louise gave a little shudder when she thought of it.

“I wish her little girl hadn’t died,” she said, her mind swinging from effect back to cause. “I could play with her. And she’d wash the dishes herself. I’m going to name my new little pig Minervy. I wish she hadn’t died. I’d show her my little pig, if Marthy’d let her come over to our place. We could both ride on old Badger; Minervy could ride behind me, and we’d go places together.” Billy Louise meditatively stirred up the baby trout with a forefinger. “We’d go up the canyon and have the caves for our play-houses. Minervy could have the secret cave away up the hill, and I’d have the other one across from it; and we’d have flags and wigwag messages like daddy tells about in the war. And we’d play the rabbits are Injuns, and the coyotes are big-Injun-chiefs sneaking down to see if the forts are watching. And whichever seen a coyote first would wigwag to the other one...” A baby trout, taking advantage of the pail tipping in the current, gave a flip over the edge and interrupted Billy Louise’s fancies. She gave the pail a tilt and spilled out the other two fish. Then she filled it as full as she could carry and started back to pay the price of her sympathy.

“I don’t see what Minervy had to go and die for!” she complained, dodging a low-hanging branch of bloom-laden lilac. “She could wash the dishes and I’d wipe ‘em–and I s’pose there ain’t a clean dish-towel in the house, either! Marthy’s an awful slack housekeeper.”

Billy Louise, being a young person with a conscience–of a sort–washed the dishes, since she had given her word to do it. The dishpan was even more unpleasant than experience had foretold for her; and of Marthy’s somewhat meager supply there seemed not one clean dish in the house. The sympathy of Billy Louise therefore waned rapidly; rather, it turned in upon itself. So that by the time she felt morally free to spend the rest of the afternoon as she pleased, she was not at all sorry for Marthy for having lost Minervy; instead, she was sorry for herself for having been betrayed into rashness and for being deprived of a playmate.

“I don’t s’pose Marthy doctored her right, at all,” she considered pitilessly, as she returned down the lilac-bordered path. “If she had, I guess she wouldn’t have died. I’ll bet she never gave her a speck of sage tea, like mommie always does when I’m sick–only I ain’t ever, thank goodness. I’m just going to ask Jase if Marthy did.”

On the way to the root cellar, which was dug into the creek-bank well above high-water mark, Billy Louise debated within herself the ethics of speaking to Jase upon a forbidden subject. Jase had been Minervy’s father, and therefore knew of her existence, so that mentioning Minervy to him could not in any sense be betraying a secret. She wondered if Jase felt badly about it, as Marthy seemed to do. On the heels of that came the determination to test his emotional capacity.

At the root cellar her attention was diverted. The cellar door was fastened on the outside, with the iron hasp used to protect the store of vegetables from the weather. Jase must be gone. She was turning away when she heard him clear his throat with that peculiar little hacking, rasping noise which sounded exactly as one would expect a Jase to sound. Billy Louise puckered her eyebrows, pressed her lips together understandingly–and disapprovingly–and opened the door.

Jase, humped over a heap of sprouting potatoes, blinked up apathetically into the sudden flood of sweet, spring air and sunshine. “Why, hello, Billy Louise,” he mumbled, his eyes brightening a bit.

“Say, you was locked in here!” Billy Louise faced him puzzled. “Did you know you was locked in?”

“Yes-s, I knowed it. Marthy, she locked the door.” Jase reached out a bony hand covered with carrot-colored hairs and picked up a shriveling potato with long, sickly sprouts proclaiming life’s persistence in perpetuating itself under adverse circumstances. He broke off the sprouts with a wipe of his dirty palm and threw the potato into a heap in the corner.

“What for?” Billy Louise demanded, watching Jase reach languidly out for another potato.

“She seen me diggin’ bait,” Jase said tonelessly. “I did think some of ketchin’ a mess of fish before I went to sproutin’ p’tatoes, but Marthy she don’t take no int’rest in nothin’ but work.”

“Are the fish biting good?” Billy Louise glanced toward the wider stream, where it showed through a gap in the alders.

“Yes-s, purty good now. I caught a nice mess the other day; but Marthy, she don’t favor my goin’ fishin’.” The lean hands of Jase moved slowly at his task. Billy Louise, watching him, wondered why he did not hurry a little and finish sooner. Still, she could not remember ever seeing Jase hurry at anything, and the Cove with its occupants was one of her very earliest memories.

“Say, I’ll dig some more bait, and then we’ll go fishing; shall we?”

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