Trail Partners - Max Brand - ebook

Trail Partners ebook

Max Brand



The plot revolves around a simple but noble man who inherited the mine. And, of course, there are some dark characters who try to steal it all in various ways. A young thief becomes the brain of an operation.

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WHAT’S the grandest thing you ever clamped eyes on? Some of you may pick out a mountain, or an iceberg sailing green and blue through somebody’s midnight, or a river turning loose in the spring with everything that it had forgotten all winter. To others it will be a fine bull terrier, or a great horse that seems the smashingest thing, or perhaps a hawk against the wind, or a tall ship, but of all the great things that I ever saw, that stops my heart beating and makes my eyes jump, remembering, there’s nothing in a class with “Slope” Dugan.

I had been seeing men enough, for that matter. The hobos on the Southern Pacific, in those days, were men, all right. They printed their thumb marks and their toe marks, too, all over me, and they used indelible ink, blue and purple, for the job. I was a fairish size for a kid, but those shacks, they kicked me all over the map because I was trying to ride the rods or the blind baggage on the fast trains. Where the tramps left off, the station and the yard cops came in and carried right on. Any station cop could kill three hooligans with one hand, and one brakeman could handle any three tramps. That gives you a sort of idea of the measuring rod that was in my mind for the judging of men, but still Slope Dugan beat everything that ever came my way.

For one thing, I could see him stripped for action, and in action, too. That makes the difference. The shirt had been torn off him, and the electric light in front of the station house flashed on the sweat that ran on him as though he were covered with grease.

Then he was up against a man that would’ve made a background for a whole mountain, six feet anything you please, and over three hundred pounds, maybe, with a short, curling black beard and the look of a fellow that would hit a thunderbolt on the point of the chin and bounce it back into the sky harder than it came.

That Slovak, he was a man, all right. But he was nothing, compared with Dugan.

I can’t go describing Slope to you. You gotta use your imagination some when I’m talking about him. I mean to say, there was six feet of him–he wasn’t so awfully big, but inches had nothing to do with Slope. Bit by bit, he looked heavy, sluggish, and muscle bound, but take him all together and he swept into the picture like a race horse moving. When Slope got into action, he was like a terrible machine. Something had to give way. I mean, if you ever seen a hydraulic jack working on a big scale, lifting half a mountain, maybe, then you know what I’m talking about when I say machine.

There was a chance for Slope to move this evening that I’m talking about. The Slovak, when he makes his first rush, beats down Slope’s guard and dodges his first pass. Then he leans on Dugan and laughs down at him, like he was just about to enjoy himself and swaller the feller whole.

Dugan didn’t seem very mad, either. He had the same bothered, thinking-of-something-else expression that was on his map most of the time. I mean, with wrinkles wiggling across his forehead, and his eyes a little dull, like the eyes of a statue that’s only half come to life.

No, he didn’t seem very mad, but when the big Blackbeard laughed, Slope picked up that quarter ton of meanness and threw it right through the station-house door. As he did this, Blackbeard grabbed hold of Slope’s shirt to anchor himself to the ground. So the shirt went along with him, and he landed on his back.

He thought it was magic, I guess, and he got up and charged out of the blackness with a roar. But when he clamped his eyes on Slope again, he understood. The whole crowd that was gasping and enjoying this free fight, it could understand, too, because there was Slope with his shirt off, and if you could see his muscles working, you didn’t have to see the working of his mind.

Blackbeard saw that he had started trouble with a combination of Texas mule, mountain lion, and grizzly bear. That’s the best I can think of for meanness, and the mule comes first.

But that Slovak, or whatever he was, was game, all right. He stuck out his jaw, his teeth showing through the black mist, and he came at Slope. But Slope wasn’t where Blackie expected to find him. Blackbeard slammed at the air with both fists, from a good stance that showed he knew a lot about boxing, but Dugan was just nacherally faster than an electric timer could catch. A cat’s-paw was slow compared with him. He steps around and winds up behind Blackbeard, lifts him up, and heaves him back through the doorway again.

I kind of laughed and kind of groaned, and so did the whole crowd, because we all of us seen that Slope didn’t know nothing about boxing. His idea of putting the other fellow out was to pick him up and sling him out of bounds. Only, there wasn’t any bounds here, and Slope was too clean-hearted to rush in and take advantage of a man that was down. He just stood around and waited for Blackie to get up and mix again.

Well, it made me laugh, but it made me mad, too. I mean, you can’t take and juggle a whole piano crate full of exploding Slovak through an entire evening. You just give out or the floor gives way under you!

Back came the Russian revolution with its eyes red and blood spouting out of its nose, that had bumped on the floor.

And Slope stood there, thoughtful, but not working out a solution of the problem. There were two parts to that problem. The first was what to do with Russia; the second was how to keep his pants up. Slope had a length of machine belting or something around his hips by way of a belt, and when he lifted Poland the second time that belt busted with a pop.

Now Slope lingered around, using one hand to hold up the trousers, and the other hand to stop the landslide.

We howled. We all howled, because we didn’t see how the thing could be done.

But Slope stopped the next rush, all right. He just stepped between Blackbeard’s driving fists and put the flat of his hand on Lithuania, and pushed Russia, staggering, back into the Pacific Ocean, if you know what the map of the world looks like.

Well, you can’t keep a grizzly off with caresses, I guess. And Blackbeard came back. He was beginning to roar, and he was blowing the blood out of his beard in showers.

This time he landed a punch. It was a good, solid sock, and it whacked on the side of Slope’s jaw. I kinder squinted. Then I opened my eyes to catch a sight of the big fellow as he sailed right through the air.

But he wasn’t sailing. No, sir; he was just standing there, a little bit puzzled, still holding up his pants and brushing aside Russia’s two sledge hammers with his one hand–just heading off the punches up in the air, the way that a cat bats a ball of cotton around above his head.

Well, you can’t catch a whole shower of brickbats, and one of those punches slipped through again and banged Slope on the same side of the same jaw, a little nearer the point.

This time he sat down, and Blackbeard rushes in, yelling blue murder, to finish things off.

He oughtn’t to ‘a’ done that, not considering how far west it was. And a little guy, with a rod of blue revolver in his hand, steps out and says: “Back up, beautiful. You ain’t hittin’ a gent that’s down.”

Russia backed up and stood still, waved his elbows, and roared some more. I didn’t understand his language, but there was a lot of it. I guessed that he was telling Slope to stand up and get killed.

And Slope stood up, all right. Maybe you’ve seen people nacherally get up on their feet, not touching the ground with either hand. People do things like that to show off in gymnasiums, but Slope done it nacheral and easy.

He stood there, and still he kept one hand for his pants and the other in the air for a guard; just the flat of that second hand.

“Darn your pants! Fight in your B.V.D.’s!” yells a big cowpuncher that looked half crazy, he was so mad and excited.

“The trouble is that I haven’t any,” says Slope, and turns toward the puncher.

While the big fool’s head was still turned, of course, Russia takes a run, a jump, and a half turn, and slams Slope right on the button again.

I thought that even India rubber would break in two then, but I give you my word that the fist of Russia bounced more than the head of Slope did. He didn’t fall; he just sank slowly and sat on his heels.

It was a lot too much for me. I dived between two pairs of legs and dropped on my knees beside Slope, while the gent with the revolver starts counting to ten, keeping time with his gun.

I cupped my hands at my mouth and yelled: “You big stiff, hit him with your fist!”

“What?” says Slope, quiet and concerned, looking hard at me.

“Hit him with your fist!” I screamed.

“I don’t want to hurt him,” says Slope.

The whole crowd heard him say that. And it knocked the spots out of everybody; they just stood flabbergasted.

But I shrieked into the feller’s ear:

“Do what I tell you, bozo!”

“Oh, all right, then,” said Slope with a sigh, and he stood up.

He did, too. It wasn’t much of a punch. It only traveled half a foot, maybe, but it knocked the head of Russia against the small of Russia’s back. He turned a fast somersault and tried to balance himself on his face, failed, and rolled over with a flop.

They got two trucks and about ten men to freight that half ton of jelly out of the way of the trains.


NOW that the fight was ended, I watched to see Slope stand around and receive a lot of admiration, but he didn’t do that. He just picked up the spoiled rags that had been his coat and shirt, and dragged them onto his shoulder, then slipped away into the darkness.

That impressed me a whole lot. I’ve tried to be modest, but I can’t manage it. Every time that I do something that calls for extra attention, I’ve gotta stand around and wait, and if it don’t come my way, I’m mighty sore. But Slope, he just faded away into the night while the fellows were still flocking around to congratulate him and offer him drinks. They wanted to find out his name, too.

I went after Slope. When he turned into the lunch counter, I stood in the doorway and sized things up. Just then I was flush. I mean, a week or so before, I’d sneaked two nice new bicycles out of the stand they were in and I rode one and steered the other to the next town. There I sold ’em both and raked in twenty-nine dollars in hard cash. I was still flush, but there was only one way into or out of that eating room, and I hate to get in that sort of a pocket. I was still peeling my eye for a railroad cop that might come into the lunch counter, or an elbow that might’ve shadowed me for the stealing.

But I couldn’t see nothing. Down in the smoke cloud that kept boiling up around the big, black face of the stove, where hamburgers and such things were frying, I saw a couple of stiffs drinking coffee. That was about all there were in the dump.

Only Slope was sitting at the counter.

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