When I Was a Witch - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - audiobook

When I Was a Witch audiobook

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

40,00 zł

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When I Was a Witch by Charlotte Perkins Gilman was originally published in Forerunner in 1910. This early work of feminist fantasy gives us an unnamed protagonist who develops mysterious powers that she uses to shape the world into what she imagines to be ideal. Content Warning: The story features some elements that may be upsetting to readers, including racist undertones, fatshaming, animal abuse, and animal death.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) was a USAmerican writer, suffragist, and social reformer. Her stance as a feminist was often reflected in her writing, such as in short stories like The Yellow Wallpaper.

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MP3 (spakowane ZIP)

Czas: 0 godz. 0 min

Rok wydania: 2022

Lektor: Voice Over

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