A Change of Circumstance - Hill Susan - książka

A Change of Circumstance książka papierowa

Susan Hill


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  • Wydawca: Vintage
  • Język: angielski
  • Rok wydania: 2024

Simon Serrailler finds himself in devastating new territory as a sophisticated drugs' network sets its sights on Lafferton and the surrounding villages

DCS Simon Serrailler has long regarded drugs ops in the Lafferton area as a waste of time. Small-time dealers are picked up outside the local secondary school, they're given a fine or a suspended and away they go. And rinse and repeat. But when the body of a young drug addict is found in neighbouring Starly, the case pulls Simon into a whole new way of running drugs. The foot soldiers? Vulnerable local kids like Brookie and Olivia, who will give Simon a bitter taste of this new landscape.

It is a harsh winter at home as well as work. Simon's GP sister Cat and her husband Kieron are struggling with medical dramas big and small. A trip to Bevham General on her rounds sets off alarm bells for Dr Cat, and a visit from her son Sam as he tries to work out if his midwifery course is right for him coincides with a threat to their beloved family dog. Simon is working hard, but he's restless, wondering what next. There's nothing new going on for him in Lafferton, but sometimes the familiar holds surprises, too . . .

Liczba stron: 375

Format (wymiary): 13.0x19.0cm

ISBN: 9781529110531

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