The Art of War Landmark Edition - Sun Tzu - książka

The Art of War Landmark Edition książka papierowa

Tzu Sun


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This unparalleled edition features the complete classic translation by Lionel Giles and an introduction, historical notes, epilogue, and study guide by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz. Discover the True Meaning of Victory The Art of War is one of the most widely read classics of history—and one of the most practical works of philosophy ever written. Now, for the first time, this “landmark edition” presents the unparalleled 1910 translation by British sinologist Lionel Giles (1875-1958) along with Giles’ equally potent 1905 translation of the Tao Te Ching, the work upon which The Art of War stands, for a complete and transformative experience of martial wisdom.

Liczba stron: 180

Rok wydania: 2021

Format (wymiary): 12.0x20.0cm

ISBN: 9781722505608

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