Black Holes - Bloomer Ed - książka

Black Holes książka papierowa

Bloomer Ed


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Black holes seem like the stuff of science fiction, but the reality behind these astronomical objects is even more peculiar. So strong is the gravity within a black hole not even light cannot escape it, but that is just one piece of the puzzle. The science behind black holes is notoriously complex, but this concise introduction reveals how some general principles form the basis of our understanding of them, before exploring the possibilities of time travel, wormholes and spaghettification (not as tasty as it sounds!).

Astronomer Dr Ed Bloomer gives you a whistle-stop guide to the fate of the Universe, the mechanics of a black hole and, most importantly, instructions for what to do should you fall into one! Discover how scientists detect these amazing phenomena and why you should probably avoid them at all costs.

Dr Ed Bloomer works in the field of Science Communication as Planetarium Astronomer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

Liczba stron: 120

Rok wydania: 2021

Format (wymiary): 11.0x18.0cm

ISBN: 9781906367855

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