Dog Whisperer: Storm Warning - Edwards Nicholas - książka

Dog Whisperer: Storm Warning książka papierowa

Edwards Nicholas


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Emily and her dog, Zack, have a special bond. But it's more than that—they can read each other's minds. Even more surprising, Zack knows when people are in trouble. Now, Emily and Zack are able to use their powers to save lives, though Emily is endangering hers in the process and making her parents worry. When a hurricane warning is issued, everyone in town starts preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. What are the odds of a hurricane actually hitting a small town in Maine? Emily and Zack can't see into the future, so they don't know what's going to happen, but if the hurricane does come and the worst does happen, are a girl and her dog enough to save a town from the destructive power of Mother Nature?

Liczba stron: 218

Format (wymiary): 13.0x19.2cm

ISBN: 9780312370954

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