Public Management and Governance - Bovaird Tony, Loeffler Elke - książka

Public Management and Governance książka papierowa

Loeffler Elke, Bovaird Tony


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Public Management and Governance is the leading text in international public management and governance and an ideal introduction to all aspects of this field. It combines rigorous insight from pre-eminent scholars around the world with a clear structure and supportive, thoughtful, and intuitive pedagogy. This revised and updated fourth edition responds to the significant changes in the external environment, as well as the field itself. It includes six new chapters covering aspects of increasing importance:

Public management and governance developments in non-OECD countries
Risk and resilience
Innovation in public management and governance
Digital public management
Digital public governance
Behavioural approaches to public policy

Throughout the new edition, there is a wealth of new content on emergent topics such as collaborative leadership, diversity and inclusion, complexity theory and evidence-informed policy. Each chapter is supplemented with discussion questions, group and individual exercises, case studies and recommendations on further reading; this edition also includes more international cases. This highly respected text is an essential resource for all students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in public management, public administration, government, and public policy as well as for policymakers and practitioners seeking an up-to-date guide to the field.

Liczba stron: 412

Rok wydania: 2024

Format (wymiary): 17.5x25.0cm

ISBN: 9781032232591

Wydanie: 4

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