The Constraints-Led Approach - Renshaw Ian, Davids Keith, Newcombe Daniel, Roberts Will - książka

The Constraints-Led Approach książka papierowa

Roberts Will, Newcombe Daniel, Davids Keith, Renshaw Ian


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For the last 25 years, a constraints-based framework has helped to inform the way that many sport scientists seek to understand performance, learning design and the development of expertise and talent in sport. The Constraints-Led Approach: Principles for Sports Coaching and Practice Design provides students and practitioners with the theoretical knowledge required to implement constraints-led approaches in their work.

Seeking to bridge the divide between theory and practice, the book sets out an ‘environment design framework’, including practical tools and guidance for the application of the framework in coaching and skill acquisition settings. It includes chapters on constraints-led approaches in golf, athletics and hockey, and provides applied reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of motor learning, skill acquisition and developing sport expertise.

Providing a thorough grounding in the theory behind constraints-led approaches to skill acquisition, and a foundational cornerstone in the Routledge Studies in Constraints-Based Methodologies in Sport series, this is a vital pedagogical resource for students and practising sports coaches, physical education teachers and sport scientists alike.

Liczba stron: 172

Rok wydania: 2019

Format (wymiary): 15.0x23.0cm

ISBN: 9781138104075

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