The Healthy Fibre-Rich Cookbook - Atkinson Catherine - książka

The Healthy Fibre-Rich Cookbook książka papierowa

Atkinson Catherine


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Fibre plays an essential part in a healthy diet, but most people don’t get enough. Few of us know how much we should be consuming or how to increase our daily intake. This book answers these questions in detail and provides 70 delicious, fibre-rich recipes that will become favourites in your household.

The Healthy Fibre-rich Cookbook covers the most recent developments and nutritional knowledge about fibre. There’s no need to buy a whole range of specialist ingredients; it’s simply about adjusting your meals and eating habits. Here you will find a wide range of up-to-date recipes to inspire you throughout the day and show how easy it is to incorporate more fibre into your diet. This will include:

– Buttermilk banana pancakes
– Smoked paprika babaganoush
– Chicken empanadas
– Roasted vegetable and butterbean crumble
– Wholemeal spelt and honey biscuits

With this book you will get to know your gut, increase your fibre intake and feel better.

Liczba stron: 200

Rok wydania: 2022

Format (wymiary): 12.5x20.0cm

ISBN: 9781472145772

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