The Jungle Book - Kipling Rydyard - książka

The Jungle Book książka papierowa

Kipling Rydyard


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Mowgli, the man-cub who is brought up by wolves in the jungles of Central India, is one of the greatest literary myths ever created. As he embarks on a series of thrilling escapades, Mowgli encounters such unforgettable creatures as Bagheera, the graceful black panther, and Shere Khan, the tiger with the blazing eyes. Other animal stories range from the simple heroism found in 'Rikki-tikki-tavi' to the macabre comedy 'The Undertakers'. A rich and complex fable of human life, Kipling's enduring classic dazzles the imagination with its astonishing descriptive powers and lively sense of adventure.

Liczba stron: 232

Rok wydania: 2018

Format (wymiary): 11.0x18.0cm

ISBN: 9781784874643

Wydanie: 2

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