Transactional Analysis - Widdowson Mark - książka

Transactional Analysis książka papierowa

Widdowson Mark


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The second edition of Transactional Analysis: 100 Key Points and Techniques synthesizes developments in Transactional Analysis (TA) and psychotherapy research, making complex ideas accessible and offering therapists practical guidance on refining TA psychotherapy skills.

Divided into seven parts, the 100 key points cover:

The philosophy, theory, methods and critique of the main approaches to TA
New developments and approaches in TA
TA perspectives on the therapeutic relationship
Client assessment, diagnosis and case formulation
Contracting and treatment planning using TA
A troubleshooting guide to avoiding common pitfalls
Refining therapeutic skills

Specific updates incorporate emergent approaches in TA, recent developments in the understanding of neurodiversity and current best practice thinking.

This book is essential reading for trainee and beginner TA therapists, as well as experienced practitioners looking to update their field knowledge for a skilful and mindful application of this cohesive system of psychotherapy.

Liczba stron: 406

Rok wydania: 2024

Format (wymiary): 13.0x19.0cm

ISBN: 9781032452036

Wydanie: 2

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