Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy - George Hohbach - ebook

Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy ebook

George Hohbach

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EXPANDED 4th EDITION: Largely unnoticed by the general public, three intellectual giants of the 20th century, Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, mathematical physicist Albert Einstein, mathematician Emmy Noether and the pioneering value investor Benjamin Graham, revealed the central role of symmetry in what we call reality. The most symmetric form is the Circle. Nature largely builds its diversity and abundance on circular motions and cycles. Yet, our linear economic model does not respect the central role of symmetry (balance, harmony, unity), and consequently disregards the holistic benefits of Nature’s positive circular motions. The book details how Nature, the cosmos, universally communicates in the super simple language of symmetry. It examines how Rav Ashlag, Einstein, Noether and Graham along with other scholars from around the globe, unveiled that symmetry is the creative principle which can build a prosperous future for Man, Artificial Intelligence and Nature together, via a symmetric, positive, eco-intelligent and climate-smart Circular Economy.

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Liczba stron: 337

Rok wydania: 2021

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