How to Develop the Authentic Leader in You - Nicole M. Heimann - ebook

How to Develop the Authentic Leader in You ebook

Nicole M. Heimann

32,78 zł

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We need to shift the current leadership paradigm: to move from the idea of exercising power over others to the practice of using your inner power to influence people. This requires a passionate commitment: to get access to our inner power, we need to get over ourselves first. Truly authentic leadership holds the power from within to create the deep transformation that today’s business world requires. A leader who leads from a place of authenticity “knows” himself: he has gone inward and knows his ego parts, conditionings, sabotaging behaviors, and wounds. He also knows his strengths, his power, his charisma, his essence. When you as a leader choose to invest in your own continuous inner growth, you will also be investing in the biggest growth potential for your organization. When as a leader you raise your consciousness through a process of inner growth, you inherently raise the bar for the organization as well. Authenticity is a never-ending inner growth process, and it opens up the way to create the deep transformations that today’s business world requires. It takes only one visionary and courageous leader to step out and lead the way. In this book author, CEO & Lifestyle Coach, Nicole Maria Heimann shows you how to access and transform the way you lead using her model of integrating “The Seven Dimensions of Leadership Intelligence.”

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Liczba stron: 208

Rok wydania: 2018

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