PROFIBUS Manual - Max Felser - ebook

PROFIBUS Manual ebook

Max Felser

94,99 zł

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In the last 20 years I have been personally involved with PROFIBUS: teaching it at the University, working on projects and leading workshops for industry. During this time, various descriptions and guides to different aspects of PROFIBUS were developed. I was helped in this by the contacts I had with industry and a range of experts in my capacity as chairman of PROFIBUS Switzerland and head of the PROFIBUS Competence Centre (PICC) at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. I have now brought these documents together in the form of a manual. Its purpose is to simplify entry to the world of PROFIBUS for a wider public. Now I generated an electronic book version with active links for the usage on iPad or Android tablet computers.

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Liczba stron: 216

Rok wydania: 2012

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