The Cat That Walked by Himself - Rudyard Kipling  - audiobook + książka

The Cat That Walked by Himself audiobook

Rudyard Kipling

40,00 zł

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Originally collected in Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories in 1902, The Cat that Walked by Himself is one of the best-loved cat tales ever written. It is a story of the beginning of domesticated life: Man meets Woman and they move into a cave and set up the first household. Dog, Horse, and Cow come out of the Wild Woods and become tame. But Cat refuses, “I am not a friend and I am not a servant. I am the Cat who walks by himself and all places are alike to me.” Woman makes a bargain with Cat to allow him to come into the cave and sit by the fire and drink milk. But when night comes, he is once again the Cat that walks by himself.

            The contrast between the cozy, domestic world and the cold, dark outdoors where the cat still has his freedom make this a compelling tale and a fun take on the independent feline character.

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Czas: 0 godz. 0 min

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