The Heartfelt Gift - Grażyna Zielińska - ebook

The Heartfelt Gift ebook

Grażyna Zielińska

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For  seven  years  I have  been  witnessing  miraculous
healings  through  the  intercession  of  Saint  Sister
Faustina, and yet  I was convinced that the miracle
would never happen to me. I was set in thinking that
MS was an incurable illness and nothing and nobody
could change this fact. I was wrong.
In  August  2016  I was  in  a  sanatorium  in  Wie-
niec-Zdrój. Behind the complex there was a small new
church of God’s Mercy, in which some relics of Sister
Faustina are kept. On Thursday 11th August 2016 at
7pm I attended a Mass there. During the ceremony
the priest talked about healings which had occurred
through the saint’s intercession. At that moment I felt
an acute, piercing pain cutting through my skull like
a dozen daggers. After a while the pain ceased, and
I realised  that  God  had  somehow  targeted  multiple
lesions lodged in my brain. I asked, very quietly:
Lord, is it possible that it’s my turn now? Is it possible
that You are healing me?
I felt the pain in my spine fading. My legs no longer
felt heavy. My heart filled with joy.
I  did  not  pray  for  a  miracle,  but  I knew  that  my 11
husband,  kneeling  next  to  me,  was  begging  for  my
healing. At that moment, looking at the painting of St
Sister Faustina, I saw Her eyes come alive and move
around; even her eyelids moved. I have seen eyes of
a painting move once before: in a copy of the Holy
Mary of Czestochowa in our local church.
I  entered  the  church  with  difficulty,  struggling  to
walk; after the Mass I left it jumping with joy.
Since that day I’ve been feeling wonderful. My toes,
which used to be numb and curled-in, were further
treated by a physiotherapist so I now I can almost use
them to play the piano. My body used to feel like a
heavy burden; I imagined my feet sinking deep into
the ground when I walked. Often I would wake up in
the morning feeling like I weighed a ton and wonder-
ing if I could lift all that heavy mass (about 60kg) up.
Since the 11th August 2016 I’ve been light as a feather.
I feel that there is an air bubble between the ground
and my feet, that I never really touch the ground. It’s
like I’m running on air.
Without consulting it with the doctors, I gradually
started weaning off the medicines. I reduced the dos-
es little by little, to avoid any shock for the body. Be-
fore the healing, skipping a single dose would make
my legs wobbly within hours: they’d bend and make
walking difficult. This time I  managed to wean off all
medicines within a month with no adverse effects.
Three months after my healing I  decided to medi-
cally verify the miracle. I visited two neurologists who
had been treating me since the beginning of my ill-
ness over 20 years earlier. The general tests confirmed
the lack of symptoms associated with MS. I was sent
for an MRI scan. For years tests had been showing multiple lesions in my brain, but I was convinced that
this time the test would be clean.
To my surprise, the results were worse than a year
earlier. The scan showed multiple lesions around and
within the cerebral cortex on both sides, lesions in the
brain stem, the cerebellum, corpus callosum and the
spinal cord at the C level; over 2 lesions in total.
When  I showed  the  scan  to  the  doctors,  I heard
some  wonderful  words.  Dr  Elżbieta  Lach  said  that
never before in her career had she seen a case where
a patient ill for over 20 years and with similar scan
results would be in such great condition. She couldn’t
call  it  anything  but  a  miracle.  Dr  Witold  Palasik’s
opinion was similar; he added that it is the patient
who  should  be  treated  and  not  the  MRI  scan,  and
therefore he saw no reasons for the treatment to con-
tinue.  Almost  4  years  have  passed  since  then  and
I still feel wonderful!
I would like to convince people long suffering from
illness,  Catholics  as  well  as  non-believers,  that  Je-
sus Christ is ready to heal them. If the Lord healed
those who turned to Him in faith centuries ago, why
wouldn’t He do the same now? Unfortunately, many
who are ill nowadays are lacking faith. All they have is
blind trust in medicine. Sometimes they travel thou-
sands of miles and pay extortionate sums of money
just to get to a certain specialist. Why not think of the
other Specialist, who is close at hand, by the bed, who
can do the same better and faster? Have a closer look
at the precious gift Jesus Christ placed in our hands:
the gift of faith.

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Rok wydania: 2020

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