Heel Pain - Patrick Hofer - ebook

Heel Pain ebook

Patrick Hofer

36,83 zł

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Heel pain is at the top of the list of the most common foot problems. Many people suffer from heel pain in their lives, for example, through a heel spur. More and more often, long-lasting and disturbing painful conditions occur. The questions about why, and how to get rid of these chronic complaints, are increasingly heard. In his many years as an orthopedic technician, Patrick Hofer has been confronted with hundreds of different hepatic symptoms, and has been able to continuously refine the treatment methods. In this book, he explains the development of heel pain and summarizes the most effective forms of therapy on the basis of his experience. With many easy-to-understand tips, he opens the way for a practical way out of the tricky situation. This brings order to the confused variety of different and partly contradictory recommendations and advice.

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Liczba stron: 100

Rok wydania: 2017

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