Goldsentences and Miraclewords - Anahita Huber - ebook

Goldsentences and Miraclewords ebook

Anahita Huber

40,98 zł

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This book is a practical parenting-adviser to make the everyday-life with children easier and more relaxed. Described are situations, issues and themes from A to Z. Anahita Huber refers to the integrative method of Mària Kenessey where scolding, punishing or rewarding are not necessary any more. The adults give clear limits and natural, friendly consequences. After having discovered and dumped the old, mostly destructive language of parenting which includes demanding, threatening and humiliating the child, we can use the precious and useful goldsentences and miraclewords that the main part of the book consists of. The integrative pedagogy is explained shortly and in simple, understandable language. This is a pocket-book to take on the road and consult on any parenting occasion.

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Liczba stron: 200

Rok wydania: 2017

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