Light of Aten: Echnaton's Revolution - Benjamin C. Roberts - ebook

Light of Aten: Echnaton's Revolution ebook

Benjamin C. Roberts

67,99 zł

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In "Light of Aten: Echnaton's Revolution - The Emergence of Monotheism" by Benjamin C. Roberts, readers are invited on a compelling journey back to the heart of ancient Egypt, to the reign of one of history's most revolutionary figures, Pharaoh Echnaton. Defying centuries of traditional Egyptian polytheism, Echnaton embarked on an audacious quest to redefine the spiritual landscape of his time, establishing the worship of a single deity, the Aten. Roberts meticulously unravels the story of Echnaton's radical reforms, exploring how this enigmatic leader attempted to concentrate divine, political, and artistic expression around the worship of the sun disk. Through a blend of historical facts, archaeological evidence, and engaging narrative, this book paints a vivid picture of a tumultuous period marked by intrigue, power struggles, and a profound ideological shift that would echo through the ages. From the construction of the new capital, Akhetaten, to the suppression of the traditional pantheon, "Light of Aten" delves into the motivations behind Echnaton's bold moves, the societal upheavals they caused, and the legacy of his religious revolution. Roberts critically examines how Echnaton's monotheism influenced future generations and the development of monotheistic religions, making this book essential reading for anyone fascinated by the origins of monotheism, ancient Egyptian history, and the enduring power of faith to transform societies.

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