I know God´s Plan is Perfect - Johannes Holmer - ebook

I know God´s Plan is Perfect ebook

Johannes Holmer

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I know God´s Plan is Perfect - Dear Lord, why? Lydia - a girl full of love for life, the people she met and Jesus ... How could God allow a mere 28 year old to die after battling a difficult illness? She had an incredible willpower during her life and even in sickness. Even though she loved her childhood home so incredibly much, she didn't only spent a year in Aidlingen and became a pediatric nurse in Stuttgart, but followed God's calling to the Torchbearers in Sweden and later on to a children's home in El Salvador. There she was tormented by pain in her pelvis. A tumor! A long road of suffering began. But in her joy and deep grounded faith up until death she was and still is a big role model to many people to this day. Lydia Holmer has affected many people and inspired many by her faith. She died when she was only 28 years old after a long battle against cancer. Her parents wrote her story down. This book also contains many excerpts from Lydia's diaries.

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Liczba stron: 332

Rok wydania: 2023

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